Monday, September 22, 2008

crazy life

life really has felt crazy this past week or so. i am not sure if anything is different or not, just seems a little crazier than normal.
maggie's school year is off to a great start. she really like her teacher and new friends in her class. i love the conversations that we have on our way home from school. she tells me about her day, trying not to forget anything. she really likes school.
this week has been better for billy. not as clingy as last week. i really think he was missing maggie terribly last week! today he went out in the back by himself and played which last week he wouldn't do because his sister wasn't there. so sweet!
we also had family and friends in from ike. my cousin, gretchen and her four kids stayed at my grandmothers for 1 week. they finally got their electricity back on saturday morning. maggie and billy loved having them here, new playmates!! we will miss them but i am glad that they were able to get back home. they didn't have any substantial damage to there home, praise God, but the kids school did, so they said that it would be a month or so till the kids would start back up.
here are a couple of new pictures i have taken of the kids in the past week or so. i hope y'all

maggie and billy paying ( I'm not sure what ) in the back yard.

note - billy has on an inflatable swim vest.....

my mag's

billy eating his first corn on the cob! no, not his first taste of corn, just actually on the cob!
he loved it! i would try and turn the cob around so he could eat more and he would get mad a me thinking i was going to take it away from him.

1 comment:

Plant Lady said...


Great photos! I'm glad to hear that your family members are all ok.

Hurricanes can be rough even after they have moved on. Power outages are the norm, and depending on the severity of the storm, it can be weeks before the power is restored.

Maybe the cooler fall weather will calm some of the craziness of life that you are experiencing.

Plant Lady