Tuesday, June 10, 2008

a new hobby

maggie got a camera for her birthday in april. just this weekend we got around to opening it up and getting it all put together. she has been taking pictures all weekend long so i thought i would share some on the ones that she took. some turned out surprising well and others were just blurs. needless to say she loves taking pictures. who knows she just might be a photographer when she grows up! what do ya'll think

here is one of her blurs. billy standing in barbara's kitchen.

this is her aunt amy. i think she did a good job on this one.

this is her 3rd cousins, kay and miranda, she met this weekend for the 1st time and they all became quick friends.

i don't think she took this one herself, maybe her daddy helped, but i thought it was cute!

this was this morning when she and billy were playing in her room. not sure how billy got up on her bed, which is really high. i guess i should get to the bottom of that one.

1 comment:

Plant Lady said...

Great job Maggie!

Christi, you have a budding photographer in the family. I'm sure she will take many more and develop her natural talent. You have two great children. I know you are very proud of them.

I hope to post some photos on Plant Lady's Ponderings very soon. I have just purchased a scanner and when I can figure out how to use it, I will be scanning some old photos from my collection.

Mr. Plant Lady is the expert in all this newfangled technology and I still have trouble using my cell phone features. Well, I guess I will eventually learn.

Take care,
Plant Lady