Sunday, June 22, 2008

boys or billy

ok, here's the question. is it all boys or just billy? as you can see in the picture, he is a climber! he climbs everything! here he is on my coffee table in the living room and as you can tell by the grin on his face, he knows he's not supposed to be up there. i can't keep him from climbing. he has no fear.

look how proud he looks in this one. just as proud as he can be sitting up there with good ole chester. they are partners in crime because chester knows that he too isn't supposed to be up on the table either. this afternoon as i was putting up groceries, i noticed it was too quiet, so i thought i would find what little bill was up to. so i walked around the corner into the formal dining room to find that he had pulled out one of the chairs and was standing on the table holding onto the chandelier!! needless to say i didn't get a picture of that because it looked like at any moment he was about to jump and start swinging! i could see it in his eyes! so, back to my original question, boys or billy?


Anonymous said...

I'm not a mom yet, so I can't speak for many, but my brother is 9 years younger than I am and he was a climber. One time, he had us in a panic. He disappeared from the house without anyone knowing. We searched everywhere and even had neighbors out with their dogs and flashlights. It was awful. Well, he hadn't left home...he'd managed (at about 3 or 4) to climb from my parents cars in the driveway on top of the roof where he was just sitting watching us all search for him. He would also climb up dressers and all sorts of things and has a scar on his forehead from where one fell on him as a tot. Ugh. Maybe it is a boy thing? Who knows??

Plant Lady said...

No, it's not just Billy! I think it includes girls too. I can remember a time, years ago, that I climbed on everything! I paid for it also, a broken arm - twice, in two separate incidents.

Also I've noticed that girls climb just as much as boys. (I do some substitute work at a child care facility)

Billy does look as if he and Chester are great friends and partners in crime! Ha! Ha!

I guess Maggie has to keep an eye out for them, doesn't she?

Plant Lady

Traci said...

It's not just Billy. I think it depends on age, personality, and may be a little gender-geared towards boys in general. Rylan is a climber. He's always scrambling up onto something "illegal" like the couch, coffe table, toy box, or something.

That said, don't label him a climber just yet. It may just be his age. When Layna was about that stage (early walking) she climbed up onto stuff just b/c she realized she could. But now that she's comfortable in the knowledge that she CAN do it, she doesn't care anymore. She'd rather carry around a purse and push her doll stroller or shopping cart! :)

Oh, you have your hands full! Enjoy!

Shelly C said...

Sweetie, it's a little of both... just be glad Mags doesn't want to do that kind of thing, both Ethan and Serah love to climb, jump, swing etc. off my furniture... I don't know how many times I say... "is a couch for sitting or for..." you get the picture. I'm here for the journey with you. Can't wait to hear what they are up to next. S