Wednesday, May 20, 2009

precious maggie

Our mag's has glasses!! So cute! she looks so grown up!
what do ya'll think?

Monday, May 11, 2009

"not me!" monday

no, not me! i did NOT pretend i was going to leave billy in the front yard when he refused to get into the truck to take maggie to school. i did NOT strap maggie in and continued to tell him to get in or i was leaving him and i did NOT, when he ignored me, plop myself in the front seat and close the door and start the truck! and i really did NOT laugh when he started running and screaming toward the truck like i was going to leave him forever. nope, not me!

today when i picked maggie up from school i needed to go run an errand for their dad so i decided since it was so hot, to treat the kids to a nice refreshing drink (sonic happy hour, 1/2 price drinks after 2:00, which was NOT by the way, dr. pepper and NOT some fries. i would never let my children drink a coke or have anything fried! it is so hot here and humid! at least 90 degrees. they were so excited! right after i picked up the bolts for their dad, maggie informed me that she need to go to the bathroom. i must start off by saying my kids are "bare feet" kids. the first thing they do when they get home is take off their shoes. needless to say as soon as mag's was in the car, off came her shoes and socks. billy followed suit. we are about 20 min from home and maggie said she needed to go the the restroom. i asked if she could hold it. she said nope. it is so hard to take billy in to a public bathroom and remember neither of them had their shoes on. so i did NOT ask maggie if it would be alright if i pulled over into a neighborhood and she could put on one of billy's diapers and "relieve" herself because that would be silly right? then i most certainly did NOT spend the next 5 minutes trying to talk her into it!

by the way, her answer was NO!

remember to go check out the other "not me!" monday posts at my charming kids!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

'FABULOUS K' blog makeover giveaway!

hi everyone! i just wanted to let you know that FABULOUS K is offering a blog makeover! she is the is the one who designed my blog and i think she is fabulous! the giveaway is open until monday so go on over and check her out! she has 2 blogs. one is her personal blog, fabulous k and the other one is her design blog, fabulous k creative. be ready to be sucked into her fabulous~ness!!

even if you don't win and still want to gussy up your blog, she is the one to do it! she is so good at what she does and her prices are very reasonable.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"not me!" monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

so, here i go! a day late but as always, better late than never!

last week i did NOT lay down and take a nap with billy while maggie was at school and set my alarm clock for am instead of pm and was late picking her up!

nope, not me!

i most certainly did NOT let my kids have ice cream with their dinner!

nope, not i!

i did NOT get frustrated with maggie as i , yes i, opened a door of the church right into her foot! luckily a sweet friend was there to offer a band-aid. did i think of that? nope, not me! yeah, great mom moment for me!

Friday, May 1, 2009

been awhile and a giveaway!

hi my long lost blog friends. i know it has been awhile since my last post. it's been kinda crazy around here. i am going to be posting some pic's to try to get ya'll caught up on what a have been up to the past month or so. wait a minute now, don't get too excited, it's nothing spectacular or anything. just life i guess. well, life with two young kids!

on to the GIVEAWAY!!

a dear friend of mine amy, in celebration of her 100th post is offering a giveaway over at her blog. the giveaway is for a year subscription for family fun magazine. yes, i said a YEAR! she really raves about this magazine and i have even seen some of the crafts that she and her kiddos have done and they are very cute so go over and check her out and enter to win!