Wednesday, October 15, 2008

pumpkin patch

i have taken maggie and billy to 2 different pumpkin patches this year. nothing says fall like pumpkins! i took tons of pictures. here are some of my favorites. oh, my mom and i will be taking the kids to one more this saturday. so more pumpkins pictures to come....


Plant Lady said...

Great pumpkin patch photos!
You can never have enough pumpkins. Pumpkins are great for carving and GREATER still for pumpkin pies! Yum! Yum!

Blessings to you all,
Plant Lady

Erin said...

Thank you for coming by. I love reading other people's blogs. I will post more pictures of the costume when I get it and get dressed up in it. Your kids are adorable!

Anonymous said...

They are too cute! I still love going to pumpkin patches. I don't think it's something I'll ever outgrow. And I'm ok with that. :)

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

hey!! I got your are on my list for a signature line :)

Karen Lambert said...

They are sooooo grown up. Where does the time go. Great pictures. It looks like they had alot of fun.

Karen Lambert said...

Christi, I sent you a picture from last night.....check you spam box if you didn't get it yet.